Truth is....

July 5, 2015

I wrote most of this list on a harder night. 
A night I was feeling pretty emotional.
I want you to know that it's not always bad,
but in an effort to "keep it real"
here is a list of truths. 

Truth is..... 
...sometimes i notice a big difference and sometimes i don't

....I wonder if people only say i "look good" out of politeness

...sometimes I have i have a hard time believing i could ever be healthy and my goal weight

...I still crave diet coke every single day

....Sometimes i get discouraged

....Sometimes i feel motivated

....Sometimes i run without wanting to stop

....Sometimes I watch the clock on the treadmill my entire work out

...Sometimes i just want to indulge...

...and I get mad when I can't.

...I get defensive when someone tries to tell me what I can and can't eat without getting sick.

...Periods are way harder post op

...It is definitely not the easy way out

...It's hard not to focus on the numbers on a scale

....It's hard not compare to other wls patients

....I'm not patient with myself at all

....Mental barriers are the hardest

...Addictions aren't always apparent

....Self control is hard.

...I worry that people judge me too much.

...I Sometimes feel frustrated

....Sometimes i feel liberated

...I wonder if I'm actually worth the money it cost

....I really want to love running.

....This journey isn't always ideal.

....I cry. A lot.

....It's hard to talk about. And hard to put into words.

....I'm a hot mess.

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