1 week checkup and progress

May 15, 2015

Yesterday I had my one week check up with my surgeons office.
It was great for multiple reasons:
1- I finally got out of the house. 
2- Because I was leaving, I got showered 
(which takes 3 times longer than before)
 and actually got ready for the day. 
Hair, make up, the works. 
Even my mom couldn't help but say
"You look like yourself again"
..... Thanks? 
3- I got to ask my surgeon some of my questions

Oh I am so excited. 
I basically knew that I would be ok to move forward,
but after basically a whole month 
surviving solely on liquids,
I'm excited to move one step closer to "normal" food.
5- I got my drain out. 
(try not to get grossed out by this)
A tube was sticking out of my stomach since surgery,
and I normally didn't notice it,
but for the last few days it had started feeling a bit uncomfortable.
I was surprised that it really didn't hurt to pull it out.
He basically just had to clip the stitches that was holding it in place
and pull.
As I lay there and watched him pull on this tube, 
I was surprised mostly by the length. 
I guess I just imagined that it was a short tube,
but it ended up being about the length of my forearm!

Other updates:
- I have become easily BORED. 
I am just not accustomed to "doing nothing" 
I try to stay busy, but I am just not used to so much unstructured time.
I am also SO BORED with my diet.
Sugar free pudding, sugar free jello, sugar free popsicles,
soups. So much soup.
Did I mention I'm excited for Sunday? 
- I no longer sleep all day.
- I have even gone some days without pain meds! 
(some days I am taking it every 4 hours on the hour, but hey... baby steps)
-My mom says she can already noticed that I look thinner.
I'm always the last to notice,
 but I guess that's a good sign.
-I don't handle the protein shakes very well,
but my surgeon said that if it's giving me a stomach ache, 
to not worry about it until I can handle it.

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