Soft Foods and Long Walks.

May 25, 2015

First let me say,
I am surprised how many of you are reading this blog!
I am amazed at how many people in life are so interested in this journey. 
Seriously, unexpected. 
Welcome-but unexpected. 

This week went by too fast and before I know it, people are asking me
"Why haven't you blogged???" 
and I'm like...
"Oh ya! Its been over a week....I'm on it!"

This week was the my first week that I have entered what we call 
"Phase 3" of the post-op diet. 
This means I can eat soft solids.
(This includes deli meats, cottage cheese, low fat cheese etc...) 
I am supposed to focus on protein foods,
so I have been eating a lot of deli meats and cheese.
Ooooooh was I excited to eat deli meats.
That last leg of the liquid diet had me DYING.
I was CRAVING protein.
For some reason my thumb sized tummy would hurt every time I tried to drink protein shakes,
and my surgeon let me off the hook and said "if it hurts, don't force yourself to drink it".
I feel like after being on an "all liquid diet" for an entire month, 
its easy to stick to any other type of diet. 

This week I have been eating a lot of:
light cheese sticks
deli meats
cottage cheese
and my calcium chews (from Costco and taste like candy) 

I told my best friend Emmalee about my diet,
and she started to laugh, 
because it is basically the opposite of what she eats.
(shes a vegan)
Lots of meat and cheese.

It's been my on-going joke that diet is almost exact opposite of the food pyramid they taught me in elementary school:
They taught us:

After gastric bypass your diet is more:
 (60 g a day! Exhausting for this thumb sized tummy!)
Weird, right? 
It feels backwards, but it makes sense.
I can get nutrients that you need from fruits and veggies from multi-vitamins,
but you can't "fake" protein. 
So with the limited space I have,
gotta focus on 'dat protein. 

Truth me told,
I'm still malnourished,
and dehydrated. 
I get lightheaded any time I stand up too quickly.
Its hard to eat and drink all that I am supposed to!
I would essentially have to be consuming something 24/7
and that's just not easy. 

I had been feeling really good. 
I had been walking the dog and it seemed to be going well.
So a few days ago, while I was walking, 
and feeling good,
I decided to keep walking.
I ended up walking 2 miles.
At first this felt like a victory,
until I came home and essentially crashed for the rest of the day
and it wiped me clean for at least the next two days.
2 steps forward, one step back.

I've also started feeling sick this week.
I eat try something new,
I eat something a little too fast,
and I puke. 
Not fun. 

On the plus side,
I've already dropped a LOT of weight.
30 pounds in one month.

Can't complain,
but don't you dare think it came easy.
It came with a lot of sacrifices 
and a lot of tears. 
This is definitely not the easy way,
but it's proving to be effective.
I love feeling like the worst is behind me.
I will slowly learn what I can handle and what I can't,
which will lead to less sickness. 
I get less and less sore every day.
I can do more and more every day,
and so the transition continues.


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