All Liquid Diet- Day 12

May 1, 2015

Allllll liquid. 
Allllll the time.
 Day 12. 
Day 12! 

It's actually a crazy cool feeling to think that I have been doing this "all liquid" thing for 12 whole days.
Motivating, you know?
Like- It's okay that sometimes its still hard, because I've been strong for 
12 whole days!

I had a group meeting with my surgeons nurse and all of his wls patients for may,
only 3 out of 7 of us showed up.
Isn't that weird? 
I don't know if its just me, but I feel like I want to know everything I can before this surgery
even though most of it was a review of everything we had learned from the nutritionist, exercise therapist and psychologist, I still wanted to clarify all my questions and really just understand as much as possible. 

I found out that my arrival time for surgery isn't until noon! 
I can't consume anything (even mints or gum) the entire day before I get surgery,
and I feel like my surgery will be a little late in the day,
which is a bummer, 
but I'm pretty sure that the hospital forgot to put me on the surgery schedule so I am last...
but whatever. I'm just excited to do it. 

Only a couple more days!

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