New Year, New Girl, 2K16

January 1, 2016

Oh! Hey! 
(well this is embarrassing.....)
HOW ARE YOU? I feel like it's been forEVER since I last saw you! 
And really, I have no one to blame but myself. 
I tend to do this with blogs/journals/any sort of documenting my life experiences,
but I have had so many people ask me about my blog that I realized that it was time to get back on the bandwagon. 

SO much has happened since I last hit my 50 pound mark and blogged about it.
I almost feel like a whole new girl. 
I started a new semester, 
with all new goals,
new job,
new internships opportunities (x2),
a whole new world of dating,
working out with my trainer,
new hair style,
and SO much more. 
(if you're nosy enough to ask me about any of the above I'd be happy to fill you in on my life) 

I can't believe that I am almost 8 months post-op!
Where has the time gone? 
My body is still changing so so much, but it sometimes it can be hard to see it in yourself,
even if the scale is telling you that it's true. 
It wasn't until today when I was going through my camera roll,
and decided to take some "update pictures" did I feel like I could see a difference. 

Total time: 8 months post-op 

Total weight loss- 85 pounds

(These pictures were taken only this last August, so about the last time I posted on the blog. I was about 50 pounds down in these before pictures) 

(this one is backwards, but you get the idea)

For those of you wondering, I am back to as normal of a diet as I think I ever will be.
I can eat a lot of things again, but with MUCH moderation.
If I get too much sugar, I get sick.
If I eat too fast, I get sick.
If I eat more than a palm sized amount of food at a time, I get sick.
But 8 months in, I've basically figured out what works and what doesn't,
and its become fairly easy to stay away from the things that don't go ever well. 

Since school started this fall, I've STRUGGLED getting to the gym. 
Over the summer I was doing so well, and getting so strong, 
but it was hard to keep up the routine when school started.
I've made adjustments to my school schedule, 
and I have moved back home so it is easier to attend "my gym" 
and I think both of these things, as well as some new found determination will make a difference.
I've started running again and I can already tell a difference between starting a cardio routine 80 pounds ago, and today.  

I am not perfect.
My diet is not perfect.
as I just mentioned above, 
my workout routine is not perfect,
but I'm improving,
I'm changing,
I'm transitioning.

I'm doing so well.
I am so blessed.
I am so thankful for my amazing parents 
who made this life change so possible and their love and support 
through the physical and mental pain of it all. 
They are my rock. I would not be able to do without them. 
If you have young children (especially girls) who struggle with their weight,
I beg you to read this article
As someone who came from a home that kept most of these rules, 
I can say that it made the world of difference. 

New years resolution 2k16- UPDATE THIS BLOG MORE FREQUENTLY.
(but seriously, feel free to hold me accountable and ask when I'll update again)

Current phone wallpapers:

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