All Liquid Diet- Day 1

April 20, 2015

Today I woke up with the cutest text from my sweet mom:
"Happy first day of the rest of your life!"
I'm seriously so lucky to have such a supportive mom.

Started the day out with 2 scoops of Xyngulars Lean Protein shake in Vanilla Bean in 16 oz. For a first time, I didn't think it tasted too bad. It was smooth and I liked the vanilla flavor. 

Mental hunger set in. Threw in a piece of gum which made it tolerable. 

Later, I had a group meeting on campus, so I packed 2 scoops of the Monavie Core Protein Shake in Vanilla Bean. At my meeting I started really feeling really hunger. Added water to my shake to drink and control my hunger. The Core shake is definitely thicker and more frothy, although the verdict is still out as to which of the two I prefer. 

Everyone in my group was complaining about how hungry they were, pulling out bags of chips, cheese sticks or just mentioning all the food they wanted to eat when we were done. I stayed silent and just keep moving forward. Then, they started mentioning how we should go to dinner at this local Mexican restaurant to celebrate turning in our final project. I normally would be so excited about stuff like that, but I kinda hope they don't do it so I don't have to feel left out. I guess its time to get used to that. 

After my meeting, but before work I decided to run to Costco to get some weight loss shakes that would be easy to grab and go. My physiologist had recommended the Premier Protein because it ensured you got your required proteins each day. 

So far, I don't feel like it will be too hard to get the required proteins (70g) or stay within my calories (1000 calories). Right now I am more concerned about dealing with hunger, "withdraws, and feeling week. 

On my way to Costco I literally felt like I was on the brink of losing it. I know that cheating on this "liquid diet" is not an option, but I was feeling frenzied. On my way to work I called my mom and just talked through my emotions.  I was amazed how much just talking about what I was feeling really helped me. Of coarse, she cheerleader-ed me right back. 

At Costco I decided to pick up the Premier Protein shake in Strawberries n' Cream, as well as the Kirkland Weight loss shake (which is more calories, but I was hoping might suppress my appetite a little more), 

Once I got to work, I was already feeling a little.... emotional. We had some issues that would have normally been stressful, but due to my heightened "on edge-ness" I felt more emotional that I would have, and got a little teary. Luckily I was able to keep it together. 

Throughout the day I just had to keep reminding myself
"The first day is the hardest"
I felt a lot like this:

Around 7:30 I really started feeling sluggish and cranky. I kept thinking to myself
"How the heck am I going to be able to do this for 14 days"
Then my co-worker convinced me to head up the can of Vegetable broth that I had brought. 
I added a little salt and pepper, and I was astounded! 
It wasn't half bad! 
It was warm, it wasn't sweet like the protein shakes,
and I felt satisfied!
Suddenly it felt possible.
So here's to the first night
and the many to come. 

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