All Liquid Diet- Day 8

April 28, 2015

What a good day!
I started off the day excited 
because when I weighed myself I realized that I am down 10 pounds!
Well, I guess it makes all of the frustrating/ hard moments worth it. 

I had my last Dr. appointment with my surgeon
before the big day.
It was supposed to be the "scare you out of surgery" appointment,
so I was totally bracing myself.
But it didn't scare me-not even a little bit.

One thing he mentioned is that my Vitamin-D is low,
so he suggested that I start taking 5000 unit capsules
10/day until surgery
and then a regular dosage after.
I bought this brand from Costco:
Luckily they are small so it shouldn't be as bad as I thought
when he told me that I would need 
10 A DAY!

Talking to my surgeon and chatting with my nurse
got me so excited! 
I can't believe it's so close! 
I found this Tedx talk that I love:

Hardest part of the day:
My brother brought home 2 pizzas for dinner for the family.
the aroma was pure torture
but I stayed strong!

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