All Liquid Diet- Day3

April 22, 2015

Today is was my birthday! 

Last week when we set my surgery date,
and I found out that I could have my surgery as early as May 4th,
I was excited at the idea to get it done A.S.A.P.
The only thing that made me hesitant was that
I was going to have to do the "all liquid thing" on my birthday.
But I decided that it wouldn't be worth delaying my surgery 
a whole week later just for one day.

I'm not going to lie. It wasn't fun.
I guess I just didn't realize how much of your birthday revolves around food!
My neighbors brought me over my favorite candies,
everyone wanted to take me out to lunch,
some of my favorite guys brought me a HUGE cupcake,
and I just wanted to celebrate because I had nothing else exciting going on.

Luckily I had spent a wonderful weekend before celebrating.
I just kept telling myself that "last weekend was the celebration" .
Like I said, it was a bummer.

To top everything off,
I sprained my ankle.
I have to move out of my apartment this week, 
and so I was carrying some boxes 
and I couldn't see the uneven sidewalk in front of me,
so I totally biffed it.
It hurt real bad to walk,
and I had to work a couple of hours later!

I had already asked everyone I could think of to cover my shift 
(because of my birthday)
so I knew that no one could cover for me.

So I hobbeled to work, 
where everyone wanted to buy me dinner. 
Luckily almost everyone knew that I was officially "all liquid". 
My manager ended up buying me and the girl working with me dinner.
I just ordered a really yummy tortilla soup
that can a very flavourous broth 
and I just had to take out all the chunks.

But I was still a happy camper with my soup.
And then I realized, 
I could still eat out with my friends
I would just need to order non chunky, soups!

This realization broadened my horizons in so many ways.
I suddenly didn't feel as depressed as before.

So here are the lessons from the day:
- Learn to how to celebrate without food
-You can still each out with friends. Just order soup
and lastly:

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