All Liquid Diet- Day 2

April 21, 2015

Day two is done!
I am amazed at the difference between yesterday and today.
Yesterday I felt crabby, emotional, and overall HANGRY all day.
I felt like my body was constantly sending signals to my brain telling me
"You're hungry, you're hungry you're really really hungry."
It basically consumed my thoughts the entire day.

Today, I woke up feeling GREAT.
I started the day with Xyngular+Crystal Light Pure Mixed Berry
It was a pretty good mixture, but honestly my favorite part 
was that I added some chipped ice from the corner market. 
It made all the difference!
Made the drink colder, smoother,
plus I'm an ice chewer- 
so it felt like I was actually eating something.
So ya, that was a win.  

It keep me going for quite a while.
Actually, I feel like I barely "ate" anything today.
A couple of protein shakes, but not nearly as many as yesterday. 
My body did not feel nearly as hungry as yesterday. 
I felt more in control, and it felt great.

I'm looking for a simple protein counter or "anything" counting widget. 
Anyone have any ideas?

Also, this article made me laugh out loud,

and I love that the Lilly Pulizer Plus sized line at Target was such a success!

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